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How can I join the Choir?

Interested candidates are asked to fill in a form and submit to one of the authorised outlets. Singers are then chosen after a selection process. Membership shall be renewed once a year. Renewal is subject to commitment, attendance and vocal judgment.


When / How do children practice their songs?

Members can login to the website and click on 'an icon' to find all material needed to practice songs at home.  Such material includes lyrics, links of the chosen songs, video clips of movements, harmony work and other necessities.


How will the auditions revolves?

Candidates who have submitted their application form will be asked to participate in one of the audition sessions. Date, time and place will be communicated days prior to the auditions. During the auditions participants will be asked to choose their own song that they need to get on a CD or Pen Drive. Lyrics must be memorized.


Do you sing religious material?

We are non-denominational, and we have children of various faiths and walks of life. Although we do sing Christian music during Christmas or Easter time, our production is generally categorized as “inspirational” rather than religious.


What types of events do the choir perform at?

Media events (TV appearance, singing live on radio, etc.), Sporting events, opening act for other artists, business conventions, benefit concerts for other non-profits and charity organizations. A number of concerts are held every year including the annual Magical Christmas Concert.


Do children sing and dance on stage?

Our focus is on singing. Occasionally, we add simple choreography.  You don’t need to be a dancer to be involved in this choir.


What is the participation fee?

The participation fee is €35 every quarter and cover the cost of notes and other printouts. 




The Malta National Children’s Choir harnesses the power and joy of music to unite Malta’s diverse communities and inspire social change. Children and teenagers aged 5-15, from across Malta and Gozo, gather together to become world-class singers through hard work, dedication and passion. The young singers transcend social barriers in a celebration of shared humanity and love for music.


The Choir provide children with the opportunity to explore music and expand their musical skills to the highest level of their interest and ability. Children in grades 3-12 enter the choir through an annual application process, which serves the purpose to choose the best children brought up by various schools and vocal coaches across the islands.


Singers begin the year in early September before the start of the preparations for the Annual Magical Christmas Concert. The Choir as the Children sang along the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra and was also part of the 25th year Disneyland Paris celebrations by an on stage performance.

All students are expected to exhibit exemplary behavior and attendance as part of their commitment to their ongoing education.

The Malta National Children's Choir is a Non-Governmental Organisation registered with the The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector with registration number VO 11487/18.

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Malta National Children's Choir © 2018 - VO 11487/18

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